92 students recently graduated from 12 Vero Beach, FL elementary schools and the Gifford Youth Achievement Center.
Concurrent with their graduation, students wrote 150 pages of essays in their newly released May, 2024 magazine of scholarly articles.
The Young Journalist Program (TYJ) educates third, fourth and fifth graders on the fundamentals of journalism, stressing curiosity, research, critical thinking and expository writing.
Journalism should be taught as and regarded as a serious academic discipline, just as science or math. TYJ is an after school academic enrichment program where students are mentored on the “tools” of Journalism. TYJ excites students by learning about journalists who created the art form, sparks their curiosity, and encourages critical thinking about the world around them.
Academic enrichment will be continued through the summer at Liberty and Rosewood Magnet and Gifford Youth Achievement summer schools. Expected enrollment is 100 students, where the discipline will be creative writing, featuring Robert McCloskey, (Make way for Ducklings and Homer Price), Maurice Sendak (Where The Wild Things Are), Robert Frost (Stopping by the Woods on a Snowy Evening) and Maya Angelou (Still I Rise).
Please visit www.theyoungjournalist.com if you wish to make a tax deductible donation of any size to further the education of The Young Journalists.
If you wish to receive a copy of the students scholarly articles magazine please reply and we will send it to you in a PDF format.